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A Better Planet

Updated: Feb 12, 2023

Ahana Gupta

Increasing population, increasing pollution,
What will happen of the nation?
People dying day by day,
To stop pollution there is no way.
Diseases spreading all around,
Way to stop pollution yet not found.
Increasing garbage every day,
To manage it is the only way.
Different dustbins should be in use,
Don't forget to follow the three R's rule.
Stop throwing garbage just anywhere,
Everyone should be aware.
Keep your surroundings clean in and out,
Spreading the message of cleanliness, it's all about
Maintain cleanliness all around,
If you want the society safe and sound.
Don't destroy the nature for selfish means,
Make it a pleasant place for human beings.
If we keep the earth clean and green,
It will be the best place ever seen.
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