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Aastha Awasthi

Sometimes I wonder
Which is right
The bower of darkness
Or the shower of light?

The dark assures
Calm and composure.
The light promises
A dazzling exposure.

But I stand here.
Right on the threshold.
And both the sides
Are sights to behold.

You can say that
I am indecisive.
I've been unsure.
Meek and submissive.

The dark I enjoy.
It's complacent stagnation.
The light is alluring
It's an irresistible exhilaration.

But then I'm no hero.
I've faults many.
The darkness is a shelter.
It hides weakness any.

Will the light be
So very protective?
Or will it be harsh.
And cruelly invective?

And the truth is
That light doesn't last long
It is darkness which
Has the more endearing song

I'm too scared to be
Seduced by the light.
But deep in the dark
I dream of shining bright.


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