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Dr. Jahan Singh Jahan

You are the most beautiful daughter of universe!

As pure as prayer’s sonnet & verse!!

Every life blooms in your cradle!

Poor in hut & king in castle!!

May it be weaver nest

Ropeway of spider web

Army of penguins

Pyramid of termites

Cunning monkey or gentle donkey!

Polar bear or spring dear!!

Wild ostrich or domestic dove!

They are your babies of love!!

They love you, never hurt you!

OH! You are pretty mother!

In green clad of forest!

Deep blue oceans are your eyes!

Valley of flowers in your neck!

With crown of Himalayas

Rivers are veins & atmosphere in lungs. Life to carry

Make us eat, drink & be marry!!

OH! Mother looking so cool!

Sun, Moon & Stars join your school!!

Alas! Mother your thankless child is human!

A wisest fool, A wickedest tool!

Making you sick, full of tears!

Snatching smile and raining fears!!

I know mother you pardon all wrongs!

Still you sing sweet songs!!

OH! Wisest fool it’s your turn!

Care your mother and bring smile!

She has to walk miles & miles!!

OH! Mother earth you are beautiful!



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