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Dr. Ranjana Srivastava

Warp and Woof of the world
Strength and buttress for all and one
Whether in blood or in laws
Relationships have their sternness and thaws.
Some-times acrid at other elixir
Abominable to so amiable and close to heart
Used and thrown and picked in need
Chameleon in inclination or fair in deed.

Smile on face and heart in veil impertinence
Still under the damnation of the first disobedience
Restore! Save us from this flesh and blood attire
What we were let us be as prior.

Had we thrown out of Eden
Not to sweat on our brows to eat our food
But to love and be the lover of garden
To breath in peace and final goal to brood.

Life is a span from breath to death
Trepidations and celebrations within their width
I am eager to find a heartful heart
Myself caged within and dearest to all.

Great is Your benevolence! Your prayer is the balm
Will cool hurts of my spirit and make me calm
Oh! just a Luminous ray has taught me so
Learn the art of letting go.


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