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Aastha Awasthi

Up the sky, clouds float by
All the while I just smile
Staring up above,
Oh! The clouds… I love,
It’s merely a vacation
Just in your imagination..

Those dark clouds covered
my heart's sky,
And all my emotions flew
with them high.
In the fleecy fleet of clouds
passing by..
A small lonely cloud rested
with a sigh..

The fleet of mighty clouds
weren't kind
They left that insane cloud
My smile encountered with
that cloud's pain
Piercing my heart turning
my eyes rain

He held those clouds of
truth above…
When all had gone but
none had love.
Each day each night
each rain he fought,
Each gray and blue did
stain his thoughts.

How could they float like
weightless hopes,
But cry and flood
unending slopes..
How could they shape such
cotton soft,
But rage too rough,
leaving all dirt aloft.

How could I dare
to love such wrath,
How could I dream
to pave its path?
Listening this remorse
I cried out loud !!
"There is a silver lining
on every cloud.."

He glanced at me, then
smiled and replied.
And said "indeed you're
right my child."
"The world can want you
anything to be
But it just depends on
what you see.."

I can relate myself
to the pain of thy.
When can I meet you
again in the sky?
"Meet me where the end begins..
in echoes
Where your world is mine and mine
is yours"

I wish I could just stare without
any care
But there comes a time
of an end to prime

I hope this be a world for me
For I have been a world to none
So I may find my home in thee
If thee my god and I thy son..

"Oh child, Love me enough to let me go..
I shall always remember the trust you owe"
“I didn’t tell you that light
will stop all gloominess
But remember! There will always
Be a light in every darkness”

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