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-Avighna Gautam

It was the day of freezing tail,
The sky was engulfed with snowy dales.
People were wrapped and operating twitter,
Guess what! It was the first day of winter.

I, too like all was wrapped in my blanket,
With my freezing nose poked into a book,
Engrossed in reading poems like “The Brook.”

The clock was ticking again and again,
With its alarm yelling at me.
It stared me and said,” Get up young boy,
The snow has covered the tree”.

6 a.m. was the time in my clock,
I rather wanted to read than to talk.
My feet were freezing just like ice,
And the phone kept ringing twice and thrice.

Slowly, I thought it was the time to leave bed,
My hands were numb and my face was red.
I didn’t want to get up at all,
But after all I wanted to go for a stroll.

Now I thought, let’s get to work,
I got off the bed by giving a jerk.
It was too cold outside the cover,
I manifested not to take a shower.

I walked out of my bed and saw,
The sight of today was so low.
As I touched the window pane,
Outside ran a snowy train.

I thumped out of my freezed room,
Seeing all over the house,
All I found was,
Silence, loneliness a cat and a mouse.

My parents were asleep in the room upstairs,
I was the first one to give my eyes and outer spare.
No one except me was awake,
Now what for breakfast, should I make?

I went outside and wandered about,
The garden, the flowers and the racoon’s freezing snout.
All were engaged in overcoming,
The coldest, piercing, frosty winter shout.


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